Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script
Created: 03, September 2020 by Miguel Vasquez
Last update 18, June 2024Table of Contents
Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script is a platform where content creators, writers, designers, developers, photographers or any other branch can monetize their content by receiving subscriptions from their most loyal followers or just anyone who likes their work. They can create free and premium posts for their subscribers.
- Built with Laravel 10
- Live Streaming
- Subscription system
- Stripe Connect
- Push Notifications
- Stories
- Users can set the monthly subscription price
- Bootstrap 4
- Font Awesome 5
- Implemented GDPR
- Banner Cookies Policy
- Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) in stripe for customers with business in Europe.
- Dashboard with Statistics and balance of your account
- Storage (Local, Amazon, DigitalOcean, Wasabi and Pushr)
- Notifications Real-time
- Online / offline user
- Google reCAPTCHA
- Edit your page (profile)
- Account verification by uploading ID or Passport
- Verified users will display a badge
- Create unlimited posts Free and Premium
- Creators can change their name, username and password
- Creators manage their posts
- Feed from recent posts of creators subscribed
- Infinite scroll
- Categories
- SEO on Pages
- SEO on Categories
- Upload Avatar
- Upload Cover
- Setting your Payout method (PayPal or Bank Transfer)
- Make withdrawals when you reach the minimum amount established by admin
- Search creators by Name/Username, categories and filter by featured and new
- Integration with PayPal (Recurrent)
- Integration with Stripe with (SCA) (Recurrent)
- Creators Featured
- Social Login with Facebook and Google
- Email Verification
- Users can like in posts
- Users can comment on posts
- Ajax Comments
- Upload Photos
- GIF Animated
- Upload Videos MP4/MOV (quicktime)
- Upload Audio MP3
- Social profiles
- Sending mail to the user when a withdrawal payment is sent.
- You can report posts and creators
- Current balance of the creator in the drop-down menu
- XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
- Secure Bcrypt password hashing
- SMTP Support
- Share your page URL (Profile) or share on Facebook and Twitter
- Easy translation
- Multilanguage
- Option Delete Account
- Link to @username on posts and comments
- Progress bar on Upload
- Message system with creators, they can send photos, videos and audios
- Infinite scroll on Message system
- Creator can edit posts and replace Media
- Lazyload Images
- History of payments made and received
- Sitemap
- Email notifications (New subscriber)
- Blog
- Contact us page
- Invoices for payments made
- Admin Features:
- Set General Settings (Name Site,Keywords,Currency Position,others)
- Change Logo/Favicon/Avatar Default/Images on Index
- Manage Subscriptions
- Accept / reject, ID verifications
- Create/Update/Delete Categories
- View/Delete Reports
- View/Pay Withdrawals
- Add code Google Analytics
- Update/Delete Members
- Create/Update/Delete Pages
- Set Payment Settings
- Set Profiles Social
- Set limits (File size allowed,Min donation amount)
- Statistics
- Maintenance mode
- PHP 8.2 or Greater
- MySQL 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3.17
- Ctype PHP Extension
- cURL PHP Extension
- DOM PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- Filter PHP Extension
- Hash PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PCRE PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Session PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- GD or Imagick
- allow_url_fopen (PHP.INI) is ON
Make sure your server has PHP 8.2 or higher and MySQL 5.7 or Mariadb 10.3.17 as a minimum
if you are running Nginx, please follow these instructions Nginx Configuration
Basic PHP configuration
minimum 12000memory_limit
set to 900Mpost_max_size
set the maximum upload value you wantupload_max_filesize
must be the same maximum value of post_max_size
Setting MySQL
- 1.) Create a database
- 2.) Create a user for database
- 3.) Import the Database
- Log into your phpMyAdmin and import the
file located in the folderMySQL
Uploading Files
- Upload all files inside the folder
to the"public_html"
folder on your server. You can compress the files or use FTP.
- After you have uploaded all files, go to
- This screen will appear, all the boxes must be green to proceed with the installation.
- Next, you can put the credentials of your database, your App name, URL and an email. You will be redirected to the Panel Admin after the installation has finished.
- Credentials Admin Panel
- Just enter from
and enter the following credentials.
User: Admin
Pass: 123456
storage \ framework
and delete the file named down
and file maintenance.php
go back to panel / admin / maintenance / mode
put "off" and then "on" again, whenever you want to have your site in mode maintenance.
IMPORTANT: It is very important to create a Cron Job so that automatic renewals with the wallet work, sending emails in queue, video encoding with FFMPEG works among other things.
/usr/local/bin/ea-php81 /home/username/public_html/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
/usr/local/bin/ea-php81 /home/username/ schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Important: if it doesn't work with /usr/local/bin/ea-php81 or whatever PHP version you have try /usr/local/bin/php
Important: If you want to migrate your site to any storage service (Amazon, DigtalOcean or Wasabi), you must upload the following folder located in the public / uploads of your current site.
Important: If your site is new you should upload the folder located in the public / uploads
choose reCAPTCHA v2 and Invisible reCAPTCHA
Developers section
of the Stripe dashboard and click on Webhooks
Click on Add endpoint
Signing secret
to reveal the Stripe Webhook Secret that you must place in Dashboard > Payment Settings > Stripe
Client ID
and Secret
in Panel Admin > Payments Settings > PayPal
.Webhook URL
field paste your webhook URL
Webhook ID
in Panel Admin > Payments Settings > PayPal
on your CCBill account - contact their live support
Creating a FlexForm
Allow for dynamic price to be passed to form
box and click save.
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > CCBill
Sub Account
Setup Webhooks
Webhook URL
text box with the URL
Webhook format
select URL Encoded
Select All
and click on update.
Disabling User Management
- On the Account Info megamenu, click Sub Account Admin, then User Management.
- Select Turn off User Management in the top section.
Do Not Collect Usernames and Passwords
in theUsername Settings
Create Library of URL (Approval)
2. URL Name. Enter a meaningful name for this URL. Forexample: Payment Success
3. URL. Under URL, enter the base URL for your Site store.
2. Under the green Approve arrow, click the square to modify the action.
3. Approval URL. In the left menu, select A URL. Select Select a Saved URL and select the URL your created earlier (e.g. Payment Success).
4. Redirect Time. Select a redirect time of 1 second using the slider at the bottom and save the form. (e.g. 4 seconds)
If you have any problems or questions contact CCBill support
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Paystack
Callback URL
Webhook URL
Account Settings -> Merchant Settings -> IPN
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Coinpayments
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Mercadopago
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Flutterwave
and then Payment methods
This step is essential, not doing it will not work.
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Mollie
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Razorpay
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Coinbase
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Coinbase
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > NowPayments
.IPN secret key
>Panel Admin > Payment Settings > NowPayments
Panel Admin > Payment Settings > Binance
Social Login
- Go to
Live Streaming (
Do not use the app that is initially created when you create the Agora account, create a new app to make it work correctly.
- Get yourself account
- Go to and Click on New Project, give a project name and choose Testing mode: APP ID
- [IMPORTANT] Switch to live mode
- The configuration should look like this
- Go to Panel Admin > Live Streaming enable and set the APP ID
Push Notifications (OneSignal)
- Get yourself account Onesignal
- Step 1:
- Step 2:
- Step 3:
- Step 4:
- Go to Panel Admin > Push Notifications enable and set the OneSignal App ID and OneSignal Rest API Key
- Language files
- Find this lines in lang / en /
| Admin Language Lines
'admin' => 'Panel Admin',
'role_admin' => 'Admin',
'dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
How to add a new language
Translate Slogan, Description and Keywords (SEO)
return array(
| SEO Language Lines
"slogan" => "Support Creators Content", // New on v4.0
"description" => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut tortor rutrum massa efficitur tincidunt vel nec lacus. Curabitur porta aliquet diam, eu gravida neque lacinia.",
"keywords" => "donations,support,creators,sponzy,subscription,content",
You will need to change in lang/es/seo.php if you want to use that language or if you have created another one.
Translate Categories
return array(
| Categories Language Lines
"Animals" => "Animales",
"Business" => "Negocios",
"Charity" => "Caridad",
Translate Shop Categories
return array(
| Shop Categories Language Lines
"exclusive-content" => "Contenido exclusivo",
"handmade" => "Hecho a mano",
"snapchat-sales" => "Ventas Snapchat",
Path the files
resources > views > index > home.blade.php
resources > views > index > home-login.blade.php
resources > views > index > home-session.blade.php
resources > views > index > creators.blade.php
resources > views > users > profile.blade.php
resources > views > users > edit_my_page.blade.php
resources > views > includes > navbar.blade.php
resources > views > includes > menu-mobile.blade.php
resources > views > includes > footer.blade.php
resources > views > includes > footer-tiny.blade.php
Translate Pages
storage / framework
and delete the file named down
and file maintenance.php
go back to Panel Admin > Maintenance mode
put "off" and then "on" again, whenever you want to have your site in mode maintenance.Panel Admin > Email settings
file has not been corrupted when uploading to your server..env
file has not been corrupted when uploading to your server. It must have a dot before the name, and you must have at least PHP 8.2
Make sure these folders and files have 0755 permissions
FilesHow to update
folder, select the version you want, click on the README.html file and follow the steps.Sources and Credits
- Laravel -
- jQuery -
- Bootstrap -
- Font Awesome -
- IcoMoon -
- jquery Form //
- jqueryTimeago.js //
- Readmore -
- Fonts -
- Tinymce -
- Ckeditor -
- Morris -
Any problem or doubt send me an email to
Do not forget to visit
Thank you for purchasing my script 😉