Index of /codecanyon-28416726-sponzy-support-creators-content-script/Upgrades/Update-v1.8/

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[CMP]v1.8.zip2021-01-20 14:44 258k
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"> <meta name="description" content=""> <meta name="author" content=""> <link rel="icon" href="../assets/images/favicon.png"> <title>Update Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script v1.8</title> <!-- Bootstrap core CSS --> <link href="../assets/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Custom styles for this template --> <link href="../assets/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="../assets/css/prism.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="../assets/css/prism-line-highlight.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="../assets/css/all.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /> </head> <body> <main role="main"> <!-- Main jumbotron for a primary marketing message or call to action --> <div class="jumbotron jb-bg text-center"> <div class="container"> <div class="position-relative"> <h1 class="jumbotron-title">Sponzy - Support Creators Content Script v1.8</h1> <p class="lead">Updated: 20, January 2020</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h2 class="title2">Changelog</h2> <ul class="list-cgl"> <li class="title-list">Fixed</li> <li>Login and register, multiple reCAPTCHA error</li> <li>Birthdate</li> <li>Navbar expand, not show in Table</li> <li>Safari avatar overlay</li> <li>Color text on footer-tiny and dropdown</li> <li>Favicom on imvoice</li> <li>Removed cal_days_in_month()</li> <li class="title-list">New</li> <li>Wallet System</li> <li>Free subscriptions</li> <li>Added Bank transfer in Wallet</li> <li>The user can subscribe or send tips with the balance of their wallet</li> <li>ZIP Upload in posts</li> <li>ZIP Upload in messages</li> <li>Embed Youtube and Vimeo videos</li> <li>Tips in messages</li> <li>Show tip option if the post is free or the user is subscribed</li> <li>Disable account verification requests from admin panel</li> <li>Added watermark with creator url in images</li> <li>Media type in unlock post</li> <li>Added Blog and posts in sitemaps</li> <li>Creator name is now displayed instead of username in account verification in admin panel</li> <li>Added type of transaction in the admin panel (Tip or Subscription)</li> <li>Subscription page, set price and choose free subscription or not.</li> <li>Collapse categories on category and creator page</li> <li>Hide / Show Admin Profile</li> <li>Cancel subscriptions from profile</li> <li>Earnings simulator on homepage</li> <li>Ajax edit post</li> <li>Ajax edit my page</li> <li>Hidden payment methods from non-creators</li> <li>Disable right click, drag and drop on images</li> <li>Image protection, the image will not be accessible from another location if it is not subscribed.</li> <li>Subscription button removed if the creator has no posts</li> <li>Autocomplete when searching for a creator</li> <li>Changed cards "explores creators" with auto reload in ajax</li> <li>Added EXIF validation in installer</li> <li>From the admin panel you can enable / disable (Show earnings simulator on the homepage, Receive verification requests, Hide Admin profile, Watermark on images)</li> </ul><!-- /.ul list-cgl --> <h2 class="title2">Installation</h2> <ul class="list-cgl decimal affected-files"> <div class="alert alert-sm alert-danger" role="alert"> <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> <strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> If you have made changes to the script make a backup of the files, because they can be replaced. </div> <div class="alert alert-sm alert-danger" role="alert"> <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> <strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> You must update from <strong><em>version 1.6</em></strong>, or <strong><em>version 1.7</strong></em>. if you upgrade from another version will throw an error. </div> <li>Upload the file <code></code> found inside the <code>Update-v1.8</code> folder, into the <code>public_html</code> or <code>www</code> folder on your server, or where you have the script installed, you must make sure that it is the root directory.</li> <br /> <li>Unzip the file <code></code> and enter at URL <code></code> or if you have the script in subdirectory (subdomain) <code></code></li> <div class="alert alert-sm alert-warning" role="alert"> <i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> <strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> You must be logged in as Admin </div> <br /> <li>If all goes well, this message will appear, that's it! The new version has already been installed.</li> <img class="img-fluid mb-5" src="../assets/images/01.png"> <br /> <li>Add this new text string in your file <code>resources / lang / en / general.php</code></li> <pre><code class="language-php">// Version 1.8 'receive_verification_requests' => 'Receive verification requests', 'info_receive_verification_requests' => 'Sorry, but we are not receiving any new verification requests at this time', 'photo' => 'Photo', 'free_subscription' => 'Free Subscription', 'info_subscription' => 'Set up your subscription', 'user_gain' => 'You will receive :percentage% for each transaction (Does not include payment processor fees)', // Not remove :percentage 'how_much_earn' => 'How much do you earn?', 'valid_formats' => 'Valid formats:', 'login_continue' => 'Login to continue', 'upload_file_zip' => 'Upload File ZIP', 'formats_available_upload_file' => 'Invalid format, only ZIP files are allowed', 'file' => 'File', 'files' => 'Files', 'cancel_subscription_any_time' => 'Cancel your subscription at any time', 'hide_admin_profile' => 'Hide Admin profile', 'watermark_on_images' => 'Watermark on images', 'earnings_simulator' => 'Creators Earnings Simulator', 'earnings_simulator_subtitle' => 'Calculate how much you can earn based on the number of followers and their rate', 'number_followers' => 'Number of followers?', 'monthly_subscription_price' => 'Monthly subscription price?', 'earnings_simulator_subtitle_2' => 'You could earn an estimated', 'per_month' => 'per month', 'earnings_simulator_subtitle_3' => 'Based on an estimate of 5% of your followers who subscribe (Does not include payment processor fees)', 'include_platform_fee' => 'Includes the :percentage% platform fee', // Not remove :percentage 'show_earnings_simulator' => 'Show earnings simulator on the homepage', 'subscribe_for_free' => 'Subscribe for Free', 'unsubscribe' => 'Unsubscribe', 'subscribe_free_content' => 'Subscribe for free to the content of', 'not_applicable' => 'Not applicable', 'free' => 'Free', 'please_write_something_2' => 'Please write something else besides the URL', 'wallet' => 'Wallet', 'wallet_desc' => 'Add funds to your wallet to use for subscriptions, tips, and more', 'add_funds' => 'Add funds', 'funds_available' => 'Funds available in your account', 'transaction_fee' => 'Transaction Fee', 'min' => 'Min.', 'min_deposits_amount' => 'Minimum amount for Deposits', 'max_deposits_amount' => 'Maximum amount for Deposits', 'deposits' => 'Deposits', 'history_deposits' => 'History of funds added', 'available_balance' => 'Available balance', 'not_enough_funds' => 'Not enough funds', 'recharge' => 'Recharge', 'bank_transfer' => 'Bank transfer', 'make_payment_bank' => 'Make your payment directly to our bank account', 'info_bank_transfer' => 'Upload a screenshot of the transfer, make sure the data is visible', 'no_results' => 'No hay resultados', 'pending_deposit' => 'We will contact you through your email when your transfer is verified as soon as possible.', 'approve' => 'Approve', 'transfer_verified' => 'Your payment has been verified!', 'info_transfer_verified' => 'Your payment for :amount was verified successfully, you can now use your funds', // Not remove :amount 'transfer_not_verified' => 'Your payment of could not be verified', 'info_transfer_not_verified' => 'We could not verify your payment for :amount, you can contact us through the following link', // Not remove :amount</code></pre> <li>Add this new text string in your file <code>resources / lang / es / general.php</code></li> <pre><code class="language-php">// Version 1.8 'receive_verification_requests' => 'Recibir solicitudes de verificación', 'info_receive_verification_requests' => 'Lo sentimos, pero en este momento no estamos recibiendo nuevas solicitudes de verificación.', 'photo' => 'Foto', 'free_subscription' => 'Suscripción Gratuita', 'info_subscription' => 'Configura tu suscripción', 'user_gain' => 'Usted recibirá :percentage% por cada transacción (No incluye las tarifas del procesador de pago)', // Not remove :percentage 'how_much_earn' => '¿Cúanto ganas?', 'valid_formats' => 'Formatos válidos:', 'login_continue' => 'Inicia sesión para continuar', 'upload_file_zip' => 'Subir Archivo ZIP', 'formats_available_upload_file' => 'Formato no válido, solo se permiten archivos ZIP', 'download' => 'Descargar', 'file' => 'Archivo', 'files' => 'Archivos', 'cancel_subscription_any_time' => 'Cancela tu suscripción en cualquier momento', 'hide_admin_profile' => 'Ocultar perfil del Administrador', 'watermark_on_images' => 'Marca de agua en las imágenes', 'earnings_simulator' => 'Simulador de ganancias de creadores', 'earnings_simulator_subtitle' => 'Calcule cúanto puede ganar según el número de seguidores y su tarifa', 'number_followers' => '¿Número de seguidores?', 'monthly_subscription_price' => '¿Precio de suscripción mensual?', 'earnings_simulator_subtitle_2' => 'Podrías ganar un estimado de', 'per_month' => 'por mes', 'earnings_simulator_subtitle_3' => 'Basado en una estimación del 5% de sus seguidores que se suscriban (No incluye las tarifas del procesador de pago)', 'include_platform_fee' => 'Incluye la tarifa de la plataforma del :percentage%', // Not remove :percentage 'show_earnings_simulator' => 'Mostrar el simulador de ganancias en la página de inicio', 'subscribe_for_free' => 'Suscríbete Gratis', 'unsubscribe' => 'Cancelar suscripción', 'subscribe_free_content' => 'Suscríbete gratis al contenido de', 'free' => 'Gratis', 'please_write_something_2' => 'Por favor escribe algo más aparte de la URL', 'wallet' => 'Billetera', 'wallet_desc' => 'Agregue fondos a su billetera para usar en suscripciones, propinas, entre otros', 'add_funds' => 'Agregar fondos', 'funds_available' => 'Fondos disponibles en tu cuenta', 'transaction_fee' => 'Tarifa de Transacción', 'min' => 'Min.', 'min_deposits_amount' => 'Monto mínimo para Depositos', 'max_deposits_amount' => 'Monto máximo para Depositos', 'deposits' => 'Depositos', 'history_deposits' => 'Historial de fondos agregados', 'available_balance' => 'Saldo disponible', 'not_enough_funds' => 'No hay suficientes fondos', 'recharge' => 'Recargar', 'bank_transfer' => 'Transferencia bancaria', 'make_payment_bank' => 'Realice su pago directamente a nuestra cuenta bancaria', 'info_bank_transfer' => 'Sube una captura de pantalla de la transferencia, asegúrese de que los datos estén visibles', 'no_results' => 'No hay resultados', 'pending_deposit' => 'Nos comunicaremos con usted a través de su correo cuando su transferencia sea verificada a la brevedad posible.', 'approve' => 'Aprobar', 'transfer_verified' => '¡Tu pago ha sido verificado!', 'info_transfer_verified' => 'Tu pago por :amount fue verificado con éxito, ya puedes usar tus fondos', // Not remove :amount 'transfer_not_verified' => 'Tu pago no pudo ser verificado', 'info_transfer_not_verified' => 'No pudimos verificar tu pago por :amount, puedes contactarnos a través del siguiente enlace', // Not remove :amount </code></pre> <h6 class="alert alert-sm alert-info" role="alert"> <i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i> If you have multiple languages on your site you should add to each file. </h6> <h6 class="alert alert-sm alert-info" role="alert"> <i class="fas fa-info-circle"></i> Remember to clear your browser's cache to see the changes. </h6> <hr /> <div class="text-center"> <p class="lead">Any problem or doubt send me an email to <strong></strong> <br/> Do not forget to visit <strong><a href="" target="_blank"></a></strong></p> </div> </div><!-- /.col-md-12 --> </div><!-- /.row --> </div><!-- /.container --> </main><!-- /.container --> <footer class="footer"> <div class="container"> <span class="text-muted">&copy; Miguel Vasquez - Web Design and Development All Rights Reserved. <a href=""><i class="fab fa-facebook"></i></a> <a href=""><i class="fab fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href=""><i class="fab fa-instagram"></i></a> </span> </div> </footer> <!-- Bootstrap core JavaScript 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